re: Ending Terrorism
That is a wonderful statement from Barbara Clifford, TM.  I'm glad you found it and have brought it to light.  And here's hoping people will listen also to the wisdom we can derive from the relatively new understanding of ourselves based on evolutionary history and theory.  Fundamentalist us-vs-them thinking is clearly inadequate for the modern world where we are all willy-nilly in the same boat. 

Have you heard of the theory that a smart nuclear disarmament movement will be careful not to raise fears about possible nuclear devastation?  It makes sense in a way, because as fear levels rise, so do the fight-or-flight thinking patterns, and so do the us-vs-them paradigm, which in turn makes it seem sensible to arm ourselves as strongly as possible!

This stumps me though.  Isn't there such a thing as a healthy fear?  If we cannot even mention why it is so important to rid the world of these weapons, then how can we make even a rational appeal?  It is paradoxical. 

Perhaps the lesson to take away here is to include a call for courage in all our outreach on the nuclear disarmament issue. 
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2009-03-01 23:00
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