How to Get There!

We are restarting the "Voices of Humanity - Order out of Chaos" discussion.  Back in the Fall of 2011, we used this same discussion to elect a message to send to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon.  If you click on "More Options" you can select that previous decision period and see the results.

On August 1, 2013 we will begin a new decision period here under the title "How to Get There!". The Voices of Humanity Steering Committee and the UNA San Francisco group together will decide what direction we should take to achieve global success with the Voices of Humanity project.  As project lead, I have promised to take the advice on “How to Get There!” and report back regularly.

Please read these two documents to bring yourself up to date on the Voices of Humanity Project:

1) InterMix Introduction - this is also available in audio read by Joseph Simpson, CCI Board Member:  I recommend that you listen to the audio as you read.  The document is overflowing with ideas, so having Joe’s wonderful voice to carry one along is very helpful.

2) InterMix Directions

Our limit is 350 words for a message.  Past experience with the InterMix Voices of Humanity process suggests that intelligent, compassionate and well-written messages do best.  When you write, please take some time to polish the result.  After you post a message, you have a chance to re-edit it until others have read and voted on it.  We are looking both for sound advice how best to proceed, and also for innovative ideas.  Put those little grey cells to work.

And please “like” us on facebook:

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by Roger Eaton
2013-07-13 19:06

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