I had mentioned this earilier in one of my prior posts. I believe that all we need now to start off is some good marketing strategy so that the general public will know about this great idea, and subsequently acknowledge and participate in the project.
We might want to initiate this idea by publicizing the concept at a well-known social media such as facebook, twitter, and also on Youtube (may be a short video clip on what InterMix is all about, how people could get involved and how it could benefit them as individuals, community or at a global level; and we could bring up a topic that might be of interest to maximum people so that it would show up when people use the search engines). This will put InterMix in the public eye; and the more people share it with their circle, the more publicity InterMix will get.
Having said that, it is not going to be easy. But it might certainly act as a stepping stone towards the implementation of this ambitious project.