First, I am totally agree with this post, but also is unquestionable the massive reach of facebook and other social networks. The point is, how can we mix the massive power of facebook with this kind of social network., how can we make it attractive to the people?
This is of course a marketing analyst job. From my point of view this interaction should be short, clear concept and fast to submit rates and posts. Showing, for instance, some achievements that proof the power of this tool.
Perhaps I am being a little naive, I think this tool is great but the rhythm of this tool is pretty much different from those of the massive social networks. There everthig goes faster, with simple concepts or just news, photos, regullar chat. In oposite to that, this tool requires attention, deep thinking and personal opinion, event took action. So people must be catched up with interesting short lines of thinking and they should vote or reply in a faster way. I am not completly sure about all this but I am trying to figure out the best way to spread this great idea