Thanks to Diana we have a direction for Voices of Humanity

We took advantage of our beta test of InterMix to also test whether the process could produce good bottom up advice, promising to take the winning advice from the "How to Get There!" decision period.  Diana Shrestha's winning message is very much the common sense result we were looking for. She also wrote a followup about VoH Ambassadors that I take as part of the original.

Here is my takaway from her message.

We need a winning marketing strategy - and this will include:

a) Outreach via social media most definitely including youtube to communicate how Voices of Humanity can help at individual, local and global levels - I think I should add national level as well.

b) We need a topic of maximum interest - this should be a discussion point for The Steering Committee.  Until we come up with something different, I will continue with our "Send a Message to UN Women" plans as our topic. I feel we are committed to that direction.  If we come up with something better, then we can add that as an additional topic.  Please make suggestions.

c) We should have "Ambassadors" of Voices of Humanity. This also needs discussion. Don't we need some kind of eductional process that people have to go through to become a VoH Ambassador? Perhaps a combination of watching a youtube video and a survey questionnaire to be completed after watching the video.  Then the new Ambassador needs to begin by making a youtube video to add to the others on our youtube channel.

Who is willing to be an Ambassador? Any volunteers out there?  Please step up.  For our original Steering Committee members, all we need is for you to make a youtube video and you will be named as an Ambassador.  I'll do mine and let you all know when it is posted.

We will make youtube and Twitter our targets for September.  

Also, I will be setting up an "Open" group where our posts can be on whatever topic interests us.

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by Roger Eaton
2013-09-02 15:31
Message Tags: #voh

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