Re: Suggestions : UNA-SF Voices of Humanity Project

I'd like us to take Dr Sideroff's suggestion seriously:

"Here is my suggestion for a topic:  "Survival of the Fittest" or "The Golden Rule".  "How far should one go in putting their own interests above those of the common good?  Should we live by Survival of the Fittest, or the Golden Rule."

The message of love and compassion is gathering momentum as it becomes clearer and clearer that the old us-vs-them world is on a crash and burn course that will take civilization with it.  Here is another important voice saying the same thing: Irvin Laszlo: "We need a new civilization based on love."  Here is a link to his recent short video:

If several others will chime in, I'll set it up as a decision period. 

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by Roger Eaton
2013-09-14 13:03
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