Re: Suggestions : UNA-SF Voices of Humanity Project

> what can we do to actively counter the proponents of Social Darwinism? 

Well I like your idea, too. Does promoting InterMix VoH qualify as an "active" counter?  InterMix technology marginalizes hardliners of every sort.  Anyone whose values are not congruent with the views that humanity as a whole can be expected to take are pushed to the side.  Either they won't participate, since they see the structure of the process is against them, or they must moderate their views to be more acceptable.  Either way, their hardline views wither in the VoH environment.

I'm glad to see parabanger trying to prove me wrong, because it is also true that the more diverse the input, the better the output in an InterMix discussion, but I think you will see that his efforts to pilot a govt drone into everyone's livingroom won't fly, so to speak. (;-)

Do we have a couple more ideas?  I would like myself to take up Middle East Peace as a topic.  I think that would fit the bill when Diana said: "we could bring up a topic that might be of interest to maximum people".  We could start a MEP discussion with the Steering Committee and I could propose in the UNA-SF and the Wallenberg group that we join the new discussion.  As we develop the question, we just might be able to bring in pro-Israeli and pro-Palestinian groups. Very possibly I am wrong, but it seems like there might be a window here, where shared anti-Iranian sentiment might make it a touch easier for these two conflicting parties to come to an agreement.

Another topic might be metropolitan development.  This is a hot subject everywhere.

Please - can a couple more people chip in on this conversation? 

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by Roger Eaton
2013-09-16 20:58
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