Dear fellow supporters of the UN and its goals,
Thank you for attending our get acquainted luncheon. The many expressions of support for a San Francisco Council of Organizations at the luncheon were most encouraging, and we are going to go ahead, full press.
Brian Webster and Tom Ray of Results have offered to put up a website with a calendar for us. When those are ready, the news will be posted here.
The SF COO will take shape over the next year or so very much depending on your input. We are starting with a San Francisco focus but if we take off here, we might well want to expand to cover the Bay Area. The other big unknown is whether the COO will truly take on a life of its own, as we hope. Simplifying somewhat we might say there are two paths ahead. On the one hand we can become a support group for UNA-SF with a luncheon once or twice a year, perhaps on UN Day and International Women's Day. The other path leads towards our becoming a powerhouse civil society coalition for the Bay Area.
As I suggested in my short talk, it is not at all out of the question that we can go for the more ambitious option and make it work. Let's remember the victory wreath of olive branches symbolizing peace that ensconces the world map in the UN symbol. Greater coordination at the metro level is the coming thing and by being an early adopter and leader for a grand Bay Area coalition of civil society, business and government, we can exert maximum influence towards a win-win world to succeed the win-lose world of our failing nation-state system.
Thanks all,
-- Roger Eaton
UNA-SF COO Committee Co-Chair
415 933 0153