Akili Dada

Today in my Intl. Political Economy class we had the founder Dr. Wanjiru Kamau-Rutenberg of Akili Dada, a NGO leadership incubator come in and speak about women in Kenya and in Africa.


It was incredibly enlightening to hear what she had to say about her experiences living in Kenya and America, and what it was like being a woman in both countries. Her experiences led her to form Akili Dada, a leadership incubator for young bright Kenyan girls, poising for them to lead the new generation of the Kenya, and to an extent Africa in to the new millenium. 

Her talk made me realize that while progress for women has come a long way in the United States, women of color in developing countries are often given the short end of the stick. I couldn't even name one African global leader because they're so rare to see. 

Just wanted to share!

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by Monique Kuwahara
2013-10-10 20:38
Message Tags: #genderequality

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