Hello All,
So today Roger and I met in the IR lounge, good news is the poster is complete and ready for promotion. So far it can be seen in the IR lounge and outside of Prof. Clavier's office.
Also good news is we have gotten new people to sign up for intermix so Roger will be sending out emails soon. We have also talked to Prof. Clavier about sending out an email to the whole IR department about our initiative so Roger will be also be sending her the poster and link to our facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/iwdmarch82014
We are trying to get more promotion and likes on our facebook page! If you have a facebook, please like our page and invite your friends to like our page also. Prof. Clavier is going to help turn it into a cause to gain more promotion.
Here's the link again https://www.facebook.com/iwdmarch82014
Savannah will be emailing the International Relations Student Association and talking to the Women's Studies Department at SFSU about making future announcements.
Roger and Savannah will also be in attendance at the Model UN reception at SFSU from 5:30-7pm to pass out flyers
We would like to connect more to the USF steering group and to possibly send them a link to the flyer?
There are always International Relations events held at school, if any knows any coming up please let us all know, we want to really get a lot promotion out before winter break!
For next year we want host an event for International Womens Day in Malcolm X Plaza, any suggestion?
This is all I can think of right now but I'll be looking out for post and also posting more information soon.