AAUW San Francisco is hosting a Members and Friends Networking Social tomorrow. Join us at the Historic House of Shields on the Mezzanine level. It is an opportunity for everyone to mix and mingle, learn more about AAUW and our mission to advance equity for women and girls, and of course, network!
AAUW-SF Members and Friends Networking Social
Tuesday, November 12th 6-8pm
House of Shields, Mezzanine, 39 New Montgomery Street, SF http://thehouseofshields.com/
Jockey Person to Person Clothing for Sale
Proceeds to Benefit the Tech Trek Scholarship Fund
I would like to personally invite you to join us tomorrow. Snacks will be provided and a free raffle. If you work downtown or have friends and colleagues who do, please invite them to attend. RSVP to mamalaudate@yahoo.com
I look forward to seeing you there!
Cathy Corcoran
AAUW - San Francisco
415-407-8106 (cell)