Council of Organizations Post-2015 Goals Consultation

On Nov 20th, the UNA-SF Council of Organizations held a Consultation on the Post-2015 UN Development Goals.  This was a relaxed small gathering at the Fort Mason Gatehouse. Pizza was served.

At one of the break out tables

We broke out into two tables of 9 or 10 each and discussed education goals at one table and “no one left behind” goals at the other.  There were many ideas, but to simplify greatly, the education table thought we should encourage education of the powers that be (ptb) just as much as of children, because the ptb just don’t get it.  They don’t see that they are in the same boat with the rest of us and need to be educated about that.  The other table felt that all the goals should have a “no one left behind” dimension.  One big group of people who are constantly being left behind are the 20+ something million refugees around the world and the world must stop ignoring their situation.

The Clean-up Crew

Here are the notes from the No-One-Left-Behind table: 2013Nov20NoOneLeftBehind.  Notes from the Education table: 2013Nov20Education.  We also decided to have a COO strategy session on Jan 9th.  Please save the date.

For those who are interested, our vote on themes for post-2015 goals added up this way:

9 - A good education
9 - Access to clean water and sanitation
7 - An honest and responsive government
7 - Equality between men and women
7 - Action taken on climate change
5 - Freedom from discrimination and persecution
4 - Affordable and nutritious food
4 - Protection against crime and violence
4 - Better healthcare
3 - Better job opportunities
3 - micro-credit support
2 - Political freedoms
2 - Protecting forests, rivers and oceaons
1 - Reliable energy at home
1 - Better transport and roads
1 - Access to justice
1 - Peace
1 - Corporate Social Responsibility
1 - Living wage
1 - Phone and internet access
1 - Support for people who can't work

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by Roger Eaton
2013-11-24 18:47
Message Tags: #un_goals

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