Located at 1663 mission street in San Francisco, La Casa De las Madres is an organiztion offering crises services, support services, training and so forth to women who are victims of domestic violence, the website: http://www.lacasa.org/. I talked with a women named Eva who is willing to help us with a presenter for IWD 2014.
Here is our conversation from email:
Hi Eva,
My name is Savannah Hudson, I just spoke with you earlier on the phone about International Women's Day next year March 8th 2014. United Nations Association is an NGO located in various countries around the world to enhance the relationship between the public and the United Nation to raise awareness about the UN, its work, and to promote its general goals. The president of UN Women, Ms Mlambo-Ngcuka, is presenting various topics around social injustices and human rights issues against women. Locally, we want to work your organization to help promote awareness about violence against women and it would be perfect if someone could speak on the topic like we mentioned on the phone. Your help is gladly appreciated and I look forward on working with you.
Here are the links to our pages for some background information and feel free to sign up for our discussion board and like our page.
Thank you,
Savannah Hudson
Hi Savannah,
Thank you so much for your interest in collaborating with us. Our presentations/workshops provide a foundational understanding of the definition and dynamics of domestic violence, including specific ways in which it affects {older adults/adults/families/teens and children... depending on audience]. It will also introduce participants to basic strategies for talking with {clients, friends, loved ones, etc} about domestic violence and supporting those affected by it. Depending on your needs and the time we will have to talk to your audience, participants will:
-Understand some of the myths surrounding domestic violence
-Understand the definition and dynamics of abuse, including the cycle of violence
-Be able to describe some of the different types of power and control tactics used in abusive relationships, to increase readiness to recognize red flags and identify abuse
-Describe some barriers that a survivor of abuse might face to leaving or reporting the abusive situation
-Be able to describe three actions to take in supporting a survivor of abuse
-Understand what safety planning is and how to support someone in creating a safety plan
-Understand some ways in which exposure can affect children, and basic strategies for supporting children who have witnessed domestic violence
-Gain knowledge of Bay Area resources for survivors of domestic violence
It would be great if you could give me some more information about the audience and what type of presentation you are looking for, including the time frame.
I am looking forward to collaborate with you.
Please let me know if you have any questions or suggestions but so far I want them to present for 15-20 min during our event