Meeting Agenda

Summary of most recent meeting: 

            A. IWD Womens Day: 

- Secure location. 

- Aquire food for event. 

- Determine categories for speakers. 

Possibilities : 

1. Domestic Violence 2. Representation in the media 3. Phycology of oppression towards women. 


             B. Outreach:

- Contact Professor Boyd to ask if she would like to speak/ mediate a panel discussion. 

-  Contact phycology department to see if there are any professors with a specialty on womens phycology. 

- Contact all teachers in Womens study(and other departments) to ask permission to come promote the event in class next semester. 

- Continue outreach to other schools/ organizations that could possibly support the cause. 

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by kathryn zychowicz
2013-12-14 03:45
Message Tags: #genderequality

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