Bay Area Regional Planning by the State and city governments

There is regional planning already happening concerning transportation, land use and more.  This should be no surprise, but we need to be aware of what is already happening on a Bay Area scale.

California SB 375: Opportunities to Engage the Public In Regional Planning

And here is the Association of Bay Area Governments

A local non-profit, SPUR, has published a report on Plan Bay Area, which is the regional body that is working on implementing SB 375 here.  The report concludes that "The plan is a major step forward in that it puts transportation money behind a clear land use vision. But the process of producing Plan Bay Area also revealed weaknesses in regional planning. In particular, there is too little money for the region’s transportation needs and too few tools to enact the land use vision."

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by Roger Eaton
2013-12-29 19:03
Message Tags: #un_goals

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