Re: [sfcoo] Re: Does the UNA SF Bay COO want to think of itself as a "commons"?
Mary Jane

-----Original Message-----
From: InterMix <>
To: MaryJane Mikuriya <>
Sent: Sat, Mar 1, 2014 4:57 pm
Subject: [sfcoo] Re: Does the UNA SF Bay COO want to think of itself as a "commons"?

The following message was posted on InterMix in the 'SF Bay Area Council of Organizations' forum, where you are a member:

Re: Does the UNA SF Bay COO want to think of itself as a "commons"?

I support a super majority on voting proceedures rather than conensus. Consensus is great when is exists - as in unanimous decicions. If it does not, or cannot exist, then a super majority is best. - Brian Webster by Brian Webster 2014-03-02 00:54 # Group: SF Bay Area Council of Organizations Ccattribution3point0 To respond to this post, log into the Group Forum, or simply reply to this message. If you have problems, write to the moderator at To block emails from the Voices of Humanity social media, click here.
SF Bay Area Council of Organizations

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by MaryJane Mikuriya
2014-03-13 21:05
In reply to this message.
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