Dear Friends of the InterMix Voices of Humanity Social Media,
We had an engineering hiccup having to do with our (mis)calculation of the regression to the mean* formula. This has been fixed and we are going forward with the Gender Crosstalk with an end date that has been extended to the new moon on July 26.
Please participate here: You will enjoy reading the candidate messages that have been written so far - don't forget to rate them using the dropdown rating boxes on the upper right of each message.
The Gender Crosstalk Initiative is an opportunity to move positively towards the human unity we need to handle the global challenges humanity faces. If you have something you have already written of less than 150 words, it is fine to use or adapt that.
Thank you!
-- Roger Eaton
* We use regression to the mean to prevent a message from winning a decision period with only a very few very high votes.