To all on the UNA SF Bay Area Council of Organizations list,
Here is our Oct 19th UN 69th Anniversary Celebration flyer again: The theme of the celebration is Human Rights.
And Here is the link to our event on Eventbrite - please order your tickets now so we begin to get some numbers on the board.
We are looking to bring in organizations to head up each breakout discussion table at the luncheon. If your organization is not explicitly Human Rights oriented, please consider the intersection of your area with Human Rights. For instance, nuclear weapons are against all humanity and not just their use, but their existence disregards the human right to peace. Please consider if your organization might participate in this light.
We need help with outreach. We need volunteers to help prepare the room and for clean-up.
If you can bring in an organization or want to volunteer closer in, please contact:
Roger Eaton
+1 415 933 0153
UNA-SF Communications Chair
Enjoy the UNA Gender Crosstalk