Re: Getting our House in Order - #2

Roger, continuing on the confusion... If you click onto the "Home" button, you will get to the home page. Then, there is a button that says simply, "LIST".  -- "LIST" means what?? What kind of LIST? It doesn't say. So when you click on "LIST" you get to a page that says, "Cross Talk Group" -- And, on the LEFT where the button "LIST" used to be... there is now another button that reads: "GROUPS" in the same location. Soooo Confusing.

For example on my Website there are buttons at the top. They say the same thing on every page. So if you want to go to anywhere... you can find it easily. You get to "KNOW" your way around the site... You feel comfortable--- OK, this is all there is here. If I go to "INFO" I can read about her work. Then, I can go back to the top and clink onto "SERVICES" and explore the Services she provides. that next.

Here I don't have a clue. The buttons don't tell me what I am going find. What I am seeking I don't see. When I get to a page, the buttons change. It is like being in a maze and I never feel comfortable that I know what's here... And when I come again, I can't find my discussion... because I don't know what page it's on, and what the name of the page is that it will be found on... and the name I am looking for is not posted.... Whew... Getting 'our house in order'... means to me that there are CLEARLY Marked Buttons... and that when you get to each place, the buttons remain the same... That would be a great help... :-)


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by Emi Miller
2014-07-01 01:00
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