Re: Getting our House in Order

Hi Emi,

Your Subgroup email flag was set to "Never email".  I took the liberty of resetting it to "Send immediately".  If you click "Profile" and then "Settings" you can change it to Daily or Weekly if you prefer.  (I will double check that the signup process does not automatically set subgroup emails to "Never email".)

By "packaging" I mean the PR/marketing for Gender Crosstalk.  How do we present the Gender Crosstalk so people want to participate? 

For instance, I am sending out twitter direct messages to my personal followers like this: "Gender equality is key to global change. ugc.iwd.intermix DOT org Your participation is needed. thx -Roger #voicesofhumanity".  Twitter direct messages cannot include a url except to twitter or facebook or a couple other sites.  I do believe that gender equality is the key to overcoming the stranglehold that the nations have on the global system.  But does anyone think that such a long range effort is something they want to spend their time on? 

This is going out just to the Media Outreach subgroup.


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by Roger Eaton
2014-07-01 01:07
In reply to this message.
Message Tags: #genderequality

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