To all on the UN 69th COO Committee,
Out next meeting is this coming Thursday, July 10 at 6:00 pm at the UU Center Stebbens room, 1187 Franklin.
Between now and our meeting on July 10th we must make outreach to Bay Area Human Rights and related groups be our priority. On Thursday we want to say we have 10+ groups signed up to head a table each. Please everyone, reach out to organizations you know and sign up a couple. If everyone will do that, then we are in good shape.
To organize the outreach, I have created a list of Human Rights organizations on google docs.
You can edit the list at I will be working the list and expanding it. If you are not comfortable with editing the list please send me your input at
Here is the link to our notes from the June 5th UN 69th committee meeting at the UU Church:
Here is our Oct 19th UN 69th Anniversary Celebration flyer again: The theme of the celebration is Human Rights.
And Here is the link to our event on Eventbrite - please order your tickets now so we begin to get some numbers on the board.
I've sent all this information before and I notice nobody besides myself has purchased tickets on Eventbrite and nobody has updated the google doc. Folks, this is not how you run a planet! Please jump in.
Thanks all,
Roger Eaton
+1 415 933 0153
UNA-SF Communications Chair
Enjoy the UNA Gender Crosstalk