Re: Activating the UN 70th Committee of the UNA SF Bay COO

Please add to your calendar: The UN 70th Committee of the UNA SF Bay Council of Organizations will have its first meeting on Aug 30th from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm at the African American Arts and Culture Complex (AAACC), 762 Fulton St, San Francisco. Free partking is available in the lot next to the building. We will meet in the third floor conference room. Mary Elizabeth Steiner of UNA Eastbay has expressed willingness to chair the meeting.

The UNA SF Bay COO has its next general meeting on Tuesday, August 19th at the Unitarian Universalist Church on Franklin at Geary in San Francisco.  Doors open at 5:30. Meeting begins at 6:00.  Potluck.  Please come if you can possibly make it.  We will be discussing UN 70th as a chief item on the agenda.

Below, please find useful notes from Herb Behrstock about our meeting with Beth Murray.  Also, Herb has shared with me an email from UNA-USA Exec Director Chris Whatley, which includes the following important information:

We certainly could pay to fly out a UN speaker and perhaps underwrite a reception out of our budget, but hosting a big event would require funding from the city or local sponsors that we do not have the capacity to reach.

This means that while UNA-USA will help some, basically we are on our own as far as funding goes.

Here are Herb's notes (with his permission) on our meeting with Beth Murray. 

1.  Ceremony honoring War Memorial Building, site where UN Charter was signed in 1945 - permanently raising awareness.

     Public program on steps of the building (with media coverage).
      - UN and country flags (e.g. in stationary stands, held by 'youth,' or brought in a procession from UN Plaza to steps of

      - Music/dance?

      - Statements by political and civic leader(s) of city (state? congress?); rep of UN (& UNA).  

      - Unveiling of plaque (at end of entrance area of War Memorial Building -- 'birthplace of the UN' with succinct explanation)

2.  'Program' celebrating the 70th Anniversary of the United Nations, honoring its importance and intending to raise support for the UN.

    In Herbst or Green Room of War Memorial Building

      - Local/state political or civic leader.

      - Story recalled about history of the deliberations and signing -- possibly with role of participant(s)/witness(s) of the signing ceremony.

      - Official of UN addressing UN's Anniversary (i.e. history, unique roles and accomplishments, reasons to support the UN now)   

      - Perhaps short video (e.g. the one UNF/UNA produced and screened last year for 70th anniversary of UNA)

      - music/dance?

      - other 'program' not specified

      - NB:  photo, tapestry about the UN that have been in the lobby of the War Memorial Building will be back on display.  Other archival materials, photos, to be determined.

3.  Reception

    In foyer (red drapery room) outside Herbst and Green Room -- where reception for Ban Ki-moon's last visit was held.   Arrangements to be reviewed.


   a.  Beth Murray, Exec Director of WarMem building noted renovation schedule anticipates 'completion' by August 2015.  They're scheduling 'preview event' then; and ceremonial performance in September, 2015.  She said, 'Sure, the more ceremonies the better' to draw attention to the restored, renovated historic site.

She pointed out that the War Memorial and Performance Art complex is already designated a National Landmark.

   b.  The proposal to install a Plaque about creation of the UN requires considerable clearances, oversight by War Memorial officials, and lead time.  It might be on the far left or right side of the entrance area, not next to or between the doors.

There is no prospect for another UN flag pole nor flag flying from atop the building.  For an event such as proposed, there might be possibility to have 4-5 UN flags flown on existing 'horizontal poles' that protrude above the entrance area.

   c.   Herbst Hall has seating for about 900, 450-500 on the main floor only.  The Green Room seats fewer (200+/-?) and could accommodate 500 standing. 

   d.   UNA (organizers) would be responsible for the program, speakers, funding, etc. The War Memorial building and Trust will not take responsibility for any program.

Our suggestion was readily accepted to engage Charlotte Shultz (SF Chief of Protocol for decades, active leader in the UN 50th and 60th celebrations - and previously); she affirmed to Ms. Murray within a couple days that she'd be supportive to help involve the city but would not take on organizational responsibilities.

   d.   Costings have not been estimated pending more detailed plans, a budget not yet prepared. and sources of income remain to be determined.  

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by Roger Eaton
2014-08-19 00:52
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