Welcome to the UNA NorCal Chapter Presidents,
This email is going out just to the Chapter Presidents.
Our listserve currently has 63 people on it. Everyone on the list can write a message that goes out to everyone else. It is important not to misuse the list. Please keep to UNA business. That said, we do want an active list. Messages that go out to the full list for the most part go out once a day, so if three people write to the list, each of us will still get only one email. So if it is UNA business then go ahead and post your message.
Question for All Chapter Presidents
Do you want your board members to be on this list? I will be asking this question of each of you as I have the opportunity, but it would help me out if you email me at rogerweaton@gmail.com and let me know yea or nay.
How to Post a Message to the full NorCal listserve
1) Click in from an email you have received - you will be taken to our UNA NorCal group already signed in as yourself. Notice that you probably do not want to forward listserve emails to people without removing the links at the bottom, or those you share with can click in as you.
2) Just to make sure you are in the right place, click the Home button on the upper left.
3) Click the "Start New Thread" button in the upper right. Write your message in the box. Edit the Short summary below the main box. Click Save. That's it. You can go back and edit your message, but anyone who has their Settings set to receive messages as they are posted instead of once a day will get your original, so best to double check before clicking Save.
How to Post a Message to Chapter Presidents only
Steps 1 & 2 as above
3) Click the Subgroups button at the top of the page
4) click the "posts" link under the Chapter Presidents subgroup
5) Click Start New Thread as above.