Gender Crosstalk is Back on Track

Dear folks in the Crosstalk Group,

The Gender Crosstalk has been restarted with a completion date for the first round now set for Feb 18, 2015. We have 20 messages so far. We need at least 100 messages by Feb 11, which will be the cutoff for new messages.  Please join in without delay - the following link will take you to the crosstalk already logged in as yourself. Be careful not to forward this message to friends.  That would be great to invite friends, but in that case, use as the url.

It is a huge "if", but *if* we can get the gender crosstalk off the ground, we will see a humanity united by love and wit in short order. The idea is for the crosstalk to spark a global citizens movement. That's what we need and we can have it if we act now. We will build the online action lunar month by lunar month, and begin planning now for a global Human Unity conference for the International Day of Peace, 2016. Year after next.  Perhaps we can bring together a pre-conference conference for IDP 2015. Online cannot do the job alone, but in combination with in-person meetings at global, regional, national and metropolitan area scales, we can change the dangerous course the world is on for something a lot more sensible.

Thanks so much and please do click in and rate the messages that are there and post your own "candidate" message if you have not done so already.

best to all,

-- Roger Eaton

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by Roger Eaton
2014-11-18 19:18
Message Tags: #genderequality

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