Welcome to the IDP 2016 Group

Dear Friends of Human Unity,

UNA-SF is applying for a UNDEF grant for a Human Unity Conference here in SF on Sep 21, 2016, International Day of Peace (IDP). If you would care to help, please let me know. The idea is to use our Gender Crosstalk technology to build up a global network for Human Unity and then have the conference to solidify what we are doing online. If you are with an organization, perhaps you would like to partner. Partnering would involve doing local outreach to bring in Gender Crosstalk participants.

The latest draft for the grant application, which is due Dec 31, is available here: http://bit.ly/1xnih85. Here is more info:

In a Gender Crosstalk two messages are chosen each lunar month, one from the women and one from the men. These two selected messages are easily available for reference in the following month, so the series of selected messages is a form of dialogue between the genders. A key notion is that the genders can rise above the fray to create a human unity that will persuade the unruly nations and religions to trust each other and cooperate.

The current Gender Crosstalk (ugc.idp.intermix.org) is aimed at building a global citizen's movement to implement our sacred right to peace. The UNA San Francisco Chapter is applying for a UNDEF grant in the amount of $250,000 to hold a Human Unity Conference in San Francisco for International Day of Peace, Sep 21, 2016. This conference will bring in Gender Crosstalk winners from around the world to formulate a plan to actually achieve world peace. We are looking for partners for the grant application. Partnership can be as simple as helping with outreach to bring in participants.

A key backgrounder on the Gender Crosstalk idea is available here: http://voicesofhumanity.org/crowdsourcing-the-genders.

Thank you much!

-- Roger Eaton
UNA-SF Communications Chair

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by Roger Eaton
2014-12-08 18:32
Message Tags: #peace

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