Our friend Parabangar is putting us on, but thanks to him for a couple things.
First, to get a conversation about climate change and global warming started. Second, for his crazy ideas about eliminating the automobile and somehow engineering the weather so it doesn't affect cities. Not that these ideas are perfectly sensible or even marginally ethical in the case of the latter one, but they are novel, and new ideas can be made welcome. I'm giving Parabangar's message a +4 for interest, though a -2 for approval! (Saving my -3 for our other friend who just posted and who seems to like the idea of Armageddon.
I think we also need a kindly way of booting some messages upstairs, as it were. As InterMix designer, I will be discussing this with our programmer, Flemming. If you have any thoughts on how we can maintain focus, please post them in the Steering Committee: http://steering.intermix.org/groups/13/forum
So please do jump in if you like, and thank you for your patience. We will #MakeItHappen.