Happy New Year!
Don't forget United Nations Association of San Francisco! We're only looking for 0.00057% of that; And with your help, we can get there.
Please consider making a donation today in support of the UNA-SF programs led by our community groups in the areas of human rights, advocacy and international development. In collaboration with the UNDP and other UN agencies, we provide forums for discussion and access to information on the progress of UN programs around the world. Your generous donations make our UNA-SF programs possible. Please use the link provided below.
Thank you!
All donations help. Any amount counts.
The United Nations Association of San Francisco (UNA-SF) is the San Francisco chapter of the United Nations Association of the United States of America (UNA-USA), a national, nonpartisan, and nonprofit organization dedicated to enhancing US participation in the United Nations system and to strengthening that system as it seeks to define and carry out its mission. For more information about the UNA visit us at http://unausa.org.
Copyright © 2014 United Nations Association of San Francisco, All rights reserved.
As active members of our chapter, we want to keep you informed of the latest events and updated information including chapter communications from our board of directors which is our obligation under the UNA bylaws.
Our mailing address is:
United Nations Association of San Francisco
270 Cecilia Way
Tiburon, CA 94920