Re: Changing Attitudes Towards Women Worldwide

I am creating an Annual Family Conference with National Action Network during the Fathers day weekend in the Strawberry Mansion section of Philadelphia. According to 2010 U.S. Census there are 1,374 husband and wife family units 836 Males with no wife, 4,730 Women with not husband of these women more than half have offsprings. 

The change begins with open public continuous conversations that guide change in attitude and behavior towards us all. We may not be able to relase all our dark secrets but we can change the conditions which created the dark secrets and keep from happening again. 

We must also consider mentalities, some strive to be tokens and that's how they want to be played. Creating the platform to discuss token mentality is sticky because no wants to admit to being a sell out. I learned that everything is not for everybody, so i don't try to impress all. We can make a difference small and large, and i am documenting as much as possible. Please document what you can!! heartsmileyyes

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by alicia dorsey
2015-01-29 19:50
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