Invitation to try Slack as possible communication system

Hi to the UNA-SF Board,

This is going out via InterMix just to the UNA-SF Board.  I have found what appears to be a very cool team communication system called Slack. You can go directly to to read more, or read about slack in the New York Times:

I have set up a team for Gender Crosstalk Outreach on Slack. If you would like to be invited to that team as a way of staying in touch with the Gender Crosstalk outreach, or just as a way to see what Slack is, please let me know at or 415 933 0153.

We need some experience with Slack before we will know for sure, but it looks like it could be a great toolk for the UNA-SF Board communications. I had hoped InterMix would be that tool, but no one has taken me up on that. Slack is way slicker and cooler than InterMix in a lot of ways. If it looks good then we can set up a separate team for UNA-SF. It is free for the first 10,000 messages, which should last us a while. angel

-- Roger

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by Roger Eaton
2015-03-13 00:27
Message Tags: #un_association, #un_goals

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