This is going out to members and friends of UNA San Francisco's Women's Committee (WC). We are planning to have a lot of postings under this heading. If you begin receiving too many messages, click in on the title of the message and then click "Me and my Friends" on the left. Then click "Settings" and then change the frequency of emails for "sub-groups" so you only get one a day.
On Wednesday, May 7, the UNA-SF Women's Committee held an exciting meeting where we discussed the possibilities of a Women's Strike, such as that which occurred in Iceland in 1975.
We decided we would have a Women's Strike related event for IWD, March 8, 2016. We will not use the name "Global Women's Strike" since that is already in use by a network out of London, and we realize that an actual one-day strike cannot possibly be organized by March of 2016.
Leading up to our next meeting (in June?) we decided to research and discuss a number of related questions. WC members will be posting their ideas here in the UNA-SF "Women's Committee" subgroup on InterMix.
The questions/topics we will be discussing include, but are not restricted to the following:
1) What name should we use? We want to bring the men in, so it is not clear if we should call it a "Women's Strike"? Should we even use the word "strike" because it might scare people off?
2) The Iceland example - what happened? What can we learn from it?
3) Is it primarily a strike for gender equality? Or are other issues involved?
4) Are we aiming at a global strike?
5) For IWD 2016, are we aiming at a San Francisco event or a Bay Area event or set of events? What kind of event? A mini-strike? A big meeting?
6) Cities for Cedaw (C4C) local organizing can build gender equality and reduce violence against women, and could be a basis for a local to global movement leading to a Strike for Gender Equality.
7) How can the UNA-SF Crosstalk technology be useful here?
8) When and where is our next Women's Committee meeting?
Important: use the UNA SF Women's Committee subgroup for this discussion. Responses to this message will automatically be posted in the WC subgroup. To respond to this message, use the "One Click Reply" link at the bottom of the email. To start a new thread in the WC subgroup:
1) login or click in to
2) if you are not sure you are at the right group, use the groups button on the left and select UNA San Francisco.
3) click the "Start New Thread" button towards the top on the right
4) enter a subject line and your message
5) edit the short summary box underneath the main text box
6) make sure you select "Women's Committee" from the Subgroup(s) pulldown, which is just under the Tags and Short summary areas.
Let's make it happen!
-- Roger Eaton
UNA-SF Women's Committee Secretary