12 Steps to Peace

                                                12 STEPS TO PEACE

  1. God is our Mother as well as Father! What is a Father without a Mother?
  2. World suffers imbalance of male only Image of God. Our priority now to turn from inequality.
  3. Creator of all can't be limited to a male only god.
  4. Spirit of inequality rule religions, with only males writing scriptures and laws.
  5. Archeologically first religions Matriarchal, last 5000 years Patriarchal controlled.   Now time of Equalitarian Age!
  6. Financial elite 2% taken advantage of religious inequality by putting profits above wages and people's rights to world's resources.
  7. Need cooperative perspectives of feminine natures to end wars, create just rules.
  8. “Equality” of Equal Rights, Respect, Jesus summed up, plus confirmed by Universal Golden Rule.
  9. Confirm for yourself with God’s Holy Spirit or find in World Wide Religious council, Article 29 of Pastoral Constitution, Vatican II,1965.
  10. Ordain women to end discrimination and prejudice, as an example for 2% to share 90% control of our economy, using most profits for benefit of all.
  11. God's Spirit of Holy Love lives in all who will ask in repentance to receive.
  12. Wisdom is allowing The Holy Spirit to guide your heart, so you can know what is right and best to do!
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by Betty Carol Dudney
2016-02-12 07:17
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