Simplifying Voices of Humanity

Dear Friends of Voices of Humanity,

The Voices of Humanity interface is in process of being simplified. We are now approximately half way there.

1) Groups have been largely removed, though there is still a fair amount of work to be done on this line. The previous version of the software had two levels, one for group messages and one where everyone participated together in a month over month discussion. The two level setup was entirely too confusing.

2) The word limit of 150 words per post has been removed.

3) The limit of one message per person per month has been removed.

4) Comments are now also eligible to be listed on our “Voices of Humanity” results page where the highest rated posts are displayed for Women, Men, Youth, Middle-age, Seniors and Humanity-as-One. 

5) The local to global control has been implemented so you can restrict or enlarge the scope of the VoH Forum to messages written by people from your home city, metro, state, nation or expand to include all posts from Planet Earth.

6) Coming soon, a new control will allow the Forum list to be restricted by date. In conjunction with this change the confusing list of “months” dropdown menu will be removed.

7) Coming soon, a new control will allow the Forum list to be restricted to messages of a requested length, so those who want to work only with short messages can do so.

8) Coming soon, hashtags will be implemented so the Forum list can be restricted to posts that share particular hashtags.

9) Coming soon, and this is the tricky part, we will introduce the novel concept of community hashtags, which participants will apply to themselves. Some of these community tags will be pre-applied depending on the groups participants used to be part of. For instance, those in the Gender Equality group will be automatically tagged #genderequality. Again, the Forum list can be restricted to include only posts from members of particular communities.

You are more than welcome to post articles and blogs you have written and published elsewhere. Please join in now and help us get this new setup off the ground.

The easiest way to get started is to click the “One Click Reply” link below this post in your email. That will take you online already logged in as yourself with a comment box already open for your use. If you are online, click the “Comment” link. Once you are online, you can start a new topic by clicking the “Add my voice” button in the upper right of the “Order Out of Chaos” Forum.

Thank you for staying interested as Voices of Humanity has evolved!

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by Roger Eaton
2016-07-01 03:46

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