Open letter to Gianni Magazzeni, Chief of Branch (Americas, Europe and Central Asia) at the UN’s OHCHR

The Government of Moskitia/Mosquito (Miskitu)
Caribbean Seas Eastern Tasbia
Non profit for human rights and aid
Supreme Federal Government In Exile (1960-Present)
1557 Jackson St. #301 – Oakland, CA 94612 U.S.A.
Telephone: 510.628.0529 – 510.410.1144 -- 530.313.3118

Dear Gianni Magazzeni,

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was created in Europe in 1948 after World War II. It was voted in unanimously by all countries in the United Nations. This declaration is a set of fundamental human right for ALL people. This includes the Miskitu Nation Right?

We as representatives of the Miskitu Nation understand that the world is somewhat in chaos. We are aware that you have your hands full. We are still asking for your attention because we believe that you can help our people. We have provided evidence to the claims of violations of our people’s human rights by dictator governments and have given the United Nation countless opportunities to intervene. Nothing has been done. We need someone to act out the purpose of the Declaration of Human Rights. We are hoping that person is you. As you know Daniel Ortega, his Colonos and many foreign companies are robbing, exploiting, and killing the people. They are exploiting the resources from the land, sea, animals and people of the Atlantic Caribbean Coast.

The Government in Exile, with what little resources we have, continue to help the homeland with no help in sight. The U N is part of the 2048 project is this only in words? For anything to progress and succeed action must be taken and sometimes the gloves must be put on, when dealing with people in ruling positions who are devoid of humanity and/or empathy. To attain change. The Miskitu people have long stood in their opposition to the desires of governments before and presently Daniel Ortega and Honduran forces. They oppose the injustice, oppression, selling off their land. It is being converted into polluted desert. The theft of their inherent riches and their genocide must end. Mr. Ortega and all who support him have no concern for Humanity ecology or environment.

The countries directly involved with the deterioration of the Miskitu Nation have washed their hands and have blinders on and it seems that the UN strings us along. Her Majesty the Queen of England sent us a letter and gave the matter over to the commonwealth. The commonwealth of foreign relations, responded to our advisor, Gary Mitchell, and to our Matriarch in a demeaning manner. The U N will not deal with her directly, Is this race or biased related? They offered no solutions or offers to assist. To berate another human being, let alone our leaders of the Miskitu Nation, is unprofessional. Tell me how these actions by the countries and very organizations who are part of the 1948 Declaration of Human Rights are to be interpreted to the masses? Is the declaration just words for show or was this really meant to be enforced for the countries whose inhabitants are of European descent? How is 2048 to come about when one does not practice what its preaching? With all due respect, sir, we appeal for your assistance. We are receiving nothing from the UN. How can this be? We believe the Nations and their representatives to be mature progressive, advanced, intelligent human beings, a cut above regular human beings, like ourselves, in balance with their body mind and spirit working together towards a global agreement to live together. Are we in error?

As you know, Chernobyl has shown us that we can’t stand alone. All of nature can live without our species and if we are not careful we will destroy ourselves and make it impossible for our species to live on this planet.

In our human history we have done wrong by one and other! The classifications, labels and profiling of our fellow human beings as races, nationalities or gender for the purpose other than identification and census, is ridiculous and keeps us divided. At each other’s throats. One can not claim to be superior to another while oppressing them! One can not be inferior as a human! We live in one world and we are all gifted with varied skills and talents. God made us in His image and likeness (Genesis Chapter 1 verse 2631). This world is the only world. Earth is what we call it and we all live in and have the inalienable right to live as we choose in it.

Humans need and crave individually. Another human may not have the same taste or take into value what you value. We are just different as Creation likes it. This world is the only world. Mother Earth. “Yapti Tasbia” is what we the Miskitu call it and we all live in and have the inalienable right to do so peacefully.

When you take away a human’s history, you take pride, you bring forth nations with little to no dignity and when a person's dignity is not there, there is no character and with out that there is ignorance of the self, then one finds it how ever they can from anywhere (in these modern times and cases media characters) and build from where they are or come from and become sociopath or martyrs, professionals or workers or vagabonds or leaders, some a mixture of all that or an out and out monster, killer of the reminder of life that he/she does not possess.

The Miskitu Nation are the original people on the Moskitia/Mosquito (Miskitu) territory in Central America. Their history dates back to the B C. The people of this nation deserve to live peacefully too. Our potential for archaeological finds and knowledge alone, should histological preservation. We are have formed a parliament of ten and are in practice of Robert's rules of order and will be sending you a copy of our proposed constitution which is an outgrowth of our original charters developed from 1957 to date. It should be well noted that the Miskitu Nation is prevented from living life as guaranteed in our Living Constitution. Daniel Ortega and his Sandinista government refuse to recognize not only our sovereignty but also our human rights. This is a move made by a terrorist communist dictator that is intent on stealing the assets of the people. He is not going to give up anything as he most assuredly would be compelled to. He has illegally given away large sums of land for money that did/does not belong to him. He claims to rule land and people that he does not possess. We believe that Ortega wants to establish a war with a nation that have no weapons. He knows that the land is filled with riches. Our ancestors knew of this wealth, So, while their land was being illegally distributed to the five republics, that They fought to leave us (their offspring) the stretch of land between Honduras, Colombia and Nicaragua and it’s surrounding Islands.

We in the Miskitu Nation are not looking for a war. Personally we believe it’s going to require some form of self defense for our survival. Ortega has openly claimed victory for the November vote. The vote would give Ortega a power that is not his to have. As you read this letter the Sandinistas are loading people into trucks and threatening their lives if they don’t vote for him.

Meanwhile, over in Prinzapolka, Francis Sirpi and Surrounding communities the Miskitu people are suffering the aftermath of a natural disaster. Hurricane, and wave channel the water has flooded and the latrines have spilled into the streets. The people need food, water, medicine, medical care and blankets. They need shelter, to be moved to higher ground. “ A Sandinista representative said that the Miskitu are not part of their land, nor their people, If they don’t want to vote or take part in governmental activities we don’t want them and we are not obligated to do anything for them” to the international Red Cross. They either vote Sandinistas or die! Human aid is not a matter of politics. Of course they don’t want us to survive!

As in our last to the U N Ortega continues to move indigenous people out and Colonos and foreigners in. We are appealing for an emergency meeting to stop this attempt to massacre innocent and weaponless people. We Must help the Miskitu Nation that are suffering.

At this time we can access up to four tons of food and two containers of medical supplies (Med share kindly offered to donate). We do not have $20,000.00 US dollars to ship the goods. We previously used our personal savings to pay with no regrets. We are not asking for a hand out, we are asking for a hand up. Please help our people. We demand to lift this oppression, live as human beings as the creator intended, as is our culture we help our fellow human being especially when they help us. We have shown our commitment to a better world by laying down our weapons and need to prove nothing else as to our agreement to live together and we are being exterminated for it!

Are we an example what what’s to come in 2048?

Most respectfully submitted, under the Seal of the Royal Miskitu Government InExile representing SWARAH, MISURA and on behalf of the Miskitu peoples, Council of Elders, Council of Women for Children, as sewn to, this 2nd day of August.


Gary B C Mitchell Former U.S. Navy and Air force Senior Technologist Star Wars Council Advisor Engineer

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by Gary Mitchell
2016-08-14 17:48

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