Greeting! It so interesting to see the website , thank you for sharing . I work at the Alameda County District Attorney’s office as an Afghan Community outreach coordinator, also chairwomen of Diversity committee and sharing culture at work place . I am also a member of Cultural Society of Afghan Women in Bay area. Representing the Afghan culture, to promote the literary and visual arts facets of Afghan culture and provide a forum for Afghan women to share their creative ideas and works. One of my art work, it is translation of Persian poet Saadi from 800 years ago about Humanity. The poem has been translated in English, Spanish and Chines languages. The English version has been at the United Nations entrance wall in New York. Now we put on frame and I did the art work, if you would like to display at your websites or any events Also the meaning of this poem is similar when 50 years ago the Civil Right Law signed by President Lindon Johnson the provision of Discrimination.
Nancy O’Malley the District Attorney comment about this poem: “No wall is enough to capture this great Motto, It is more than that. It is symbol of Unity, Peace, Humanity and Justice, the torch to be handed to future generations. “
Best regards
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Nahid Aria