Re: Together, we can do it (maybe)

Does anyone think the Humanian Belief Manual will be successful?  The following is a brief description seen if one clicks on the yellow ASK button on the first page after PROCEED.

(The HUEP is "We should do that which will promote not only the survival of our species, but also as much joy, contentment, and appreciation as possibile and as little pain, suffering, disability, and early death as possible, for everyone, now and in the future."  The description is as follows:)

The Humanian Belief Manual is a tool for all of us that are committed to the Humanian (rational-ethical) ultimate ethical principle (see the HOME page for explanation). It is for the purpose of helping all of us, all over the world, to develop a basic ethical philosophy that is consistent with that ultimate ethical principle. To the extent that we know that we belong to a group that is working together toward a common goal, we tend to have an increased ethical sense, the motivation to do what we believe we should do, and it is enhanced by such beliefs being well thought out, and especially by the awareness that most others in our group also agree.

Our species has always tended to be divided up into groups, from small groups to tribes to nations, and our ethical motivations have tended to be primarily determined by what our beliefs have been regarding what our groups have agreed about. This has led to much discord and even fighting, with much pain, suffering, disability, and early death (PSDED), among those groups. As we come to identify with our whole species, by our awareness of working together as a species, we will markedly reduce our species-wide PSDED.

The Belief Manual enables us to work toward increasing agreement, based upon the sharing and comparing of beliefs and upon ever-increasing wisdom, because of the continuing ability to question, modify, and improve our beliefs. So the Belief Manual is not a collection of required beliefs, but instead a study guide that allows us to see what progress we have made so far and allows us to do our parts in bringing about that progress.

And being Humanian is not an alternative to membership in any group, but instead an ethical orientation that anyone, in any group, can have that is based upon identification with and concern for all of us as a species.

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by Bill Van Fleet
2016-09-25 18:26
In reply to this message.

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