Re: Plugging Voices of Humanity in One Paragraph

Hi Parabanger Parabanger,

Finally, here is my rewrite. Four paragraphs, but the first paragraph is key and can stand alone if need be. Sandy helped me think it through, and realize how important the benefit to the individual is.

One strong voice. Voices of Humanity gives us one strong voice of individuals united for humanity. By embracing humanity, the individual gains balance and a sense of belonging. At the same time, humanity gains peace and cooperation across its many divisions.

Gender and generational equality are built in. The collective voices of women and of men are the wise queen and king of a new heaven that rules the fractious nations and religions. The voice of youth ensures we open our eyes and take the long view.

Local to global. From city to province to nation, the voices of humanity weigh in at every level creating a sense of belonging within the larger context of human unity on Planet Earth. The hard-liners either participate in an exchange of views that fosters global harmony, or they marginalize themselves by not participating.

Across the silos. Building human solidarity on the basis of non-governmental organization (NGO) cooperation is difficult because each NGO is separately organized, protective of its autonomy, and struggling to raise money and accomplish its own set of goals. Voices of Humanity will foster a larger sense of community and facilitate networking between the NGOs at every level from the global to the local. And the same holds true for strengthening cooperation between civil society, business and government.

#voh #genderequality #un_goals

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by Roger Eaton
2016-10-16 17:55
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