Here is the list of communities I am planning to make available to all who join Voices of Humanity. What have I missed? Please note that every Voices of Humanity member will be able to create additonal communities. But these listed below will be available up front for new members and also for existing members on the upcoming "My Networks" page.
Networks / movements
[ ] Commons movement (@commons)
[ ] Global Justice Movement (@global_justice)
[ ] Great Transition: big systemic changes are needed (@gr8transition)
[ ] Indigenous peoples (@indigenous)
[ ] Interfaith movement (@interfaith)
[ ] Labor movement (@labor)
[ ] Nonviolence: a force more powerful (@nonviolence)
[ ] Other minority: disadvantaged minorities (@minority)
[ ] Refugees, asylees, illegal immigrants (@refugees)
[ ] Save the children (@save_children)
[ ] Veterans (@veterans)
[ ] Voices of Humanity supporters (@voh)
[ ] UN Goals (@un_goals)
[ ] Peace with general and complete disarmament (@peace)
[ ] Nuclear Disarmament (@no_nukes)
[ ] Human Rights: UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights (@human_rights)
[ ] Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women (@cedaw)
[ ] UN Sustainable Development Goals (@sdgs)
[ ] End poverty in all its forms everywhere (@end_poverty)
[ ] End hunger and promote sustainable agriculture (@end_hunger)
[ ] Good health for all at all ages (@good_health)
[ ] Good education: inclusive, equitable quality education for all (@good_education)
[ ] Gender equality: empower all women and girls (@genderequalty)
[ ] Clean water: sustainable clean water and sanitation for all (@clean_water)
[ ] Renewable energy: affordable, reliable, sustainable energy for all (@renewablenergy)
[ ] Good jobs and sustainable development for all (@good_jobs)
[ ] Better infrastructure: innovative and resilient economic underpinning (@infrastructure)
[ ] More equality: reverse the trend toward economic inequality (@more_equality)
[ ] Better Cities: inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable urban areas (@better_cities)
[ ] Simplifying: do more and better with less (@simplifying)
[ ] Climate Action: combat climate change (@climate_action)
[ ] Protecting the oceans (@protect_oceans)
[ ] Protecting land resources, biodiversity (@protect_lands)
[ ] Peace and justice: end violence and corruption (@safe_for_all)
[ ] SDG partnerships: organize across the silos (@sdg_partners)
#voh #un_goals