Re: Understanding and Eliminating War

Perhaps we need to send that to the war mongers who still operate out of fear and engage in strategic games and manipulations stemming from very dis-eased animus reactivity, ploughing the people into destructive wars or false peace over resources and control. This in turn leads to terrorism,which is then used to control the masses via fear, the symptoms focused on instead of the root causes. 

To truly connect with what enables us to even have these discussions in the first place,instead of being simply caught up in the unreal superimposed unsustainable system which has come to be built upon it, is a start and I am glad to see that many are realizing what is truly important and should come first. Our planet and It's life,which includes us humans. This planet is so capable of providing abundance when cared for and there is no need for the misery and destruction. 

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by AshDiane Hunt
2017-04-13 18:24
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