Re: Share Your Sparkle

Getting in touch with our sparkle is easier for some than others and perhaps it is for that reason that we don't always feel safe to share. We haven't found our true humanity, so we sometimes fear those who are a bit different or who are truly creative and outgoing and sparkly. We need to work on acceptance of ourselves, whether in sparkle mode or more introverted quiet mode or even fearful mode. 

I believe it is often that fear that divides us, that blinds us from seeing and appreciating others who are a bit different, so we need to look at our fear squarely and try to accept it as something that is limiting us - cutting us off from our sparkle and  not project it onto others in the form of aggression or hide away because of it by building walls around ourselves. If we can let go of even a little bit of the fear we can be more open and communicative. 

We have seen real community grow out of some of the really devastating events that have happened recently in Britain. People drop their own limited fear in response to really frightening events and come out to help each other, showing friendship where before they would have ignored their neighbours. Suddenly there is a common enemy and that enemy is the very lack of community and division of community into 'us' and 'them' that has been driving the terrorist attacks in Manchester and London and other places in the world. 

The same kind of thinking has been responsible for governments ignoring the calls for support for the poorer members of society, in health care, in housing, in mental health care, in support for the elderly. Those poorer members of society are the 'others' who are not so rich and succesful and somehow can be ignored. We need to support all the people of this globe to be able to find their sparkle and then it will be natural to share it in communities, because when we are not hungry and frightened we can look around us and see that we are all part of one race - the human race and we all have an individaul voice to join to the voice of humanity!


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by Susan Cullen
2017-06-27 17:13
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