Re: Share Your Sparkle

Thanks, Roger. I do indeed have, I believe, a global perspective. And I believe that such a perspective is indeed developing among us humans, but it is very early in that process.

I have difficulty with the concept of the individual and humanity being allies, because I don't see humanity as being a decision-making entity that can interact with and cooperate with an individual. In my way of thinking, a statement of that sort would be "poetic," having an imprecise meaning that could vary among members of the conversation.

I always have the concern that we not just continue to do what we have always done, but to change and start really making progress would seem to require a new way of thinking. I have tried to identify that new way of thinking in the website, providing that new, worldwide tool, the Humanian Belief Manual, for the purpose of enhancing our ability to actually work toward agreement, rather than continuing to engage in the resistance to doing so that is outlined in the CHALLENGE component of the HOME page.

With regard to the emergence of Humanianity, the most concise presentation is probably at:

Have you explored the Humanian Belief Manual? Would you be inclined to participate by registering in the  Belief Manual and constructing your personal Belief Manual for the world to see what your basic ethical philosophy looks like. (If you do, you can compare yours with mine or with that of any of the others that have so participated.)

I appreciate your having posted in the Forum. I will have to make improvements in the Forum. It is not notifying anyone of posts, and I just happened to notice that you had posted because I was checking to see if there had been any new ones. I will also post this in the Forum, as a reply to your post.

I think the Humanianity website has something to contribute to your effort. It is a way of implementation of what you are trying to accomplish. But so far it is not attracting any attention. It will only be when lots of people are participating that it will begin to be noticed, I think.

Actually, I wonder whether your organization, if that is what your website can be considered, might be registered by you in the Humanian Belief Manual, to the benefit of both your effort and mine. Probably, however, it cannot be considered an organization because it does not have a specific geographical location. I would be interested in your thoughts about this. (The Belief Manual explains all about registering an organization such that it will have its own Belief Manual.)

There may be other parts of the HOME page that would be good to post here on your site.  If so, please let me know.

Again, thanks for responding.

#interfaith, #vohcc

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by Bill Van Fleet
2017-06-28 01:42
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Message Tags: #interfaith, #vohcc

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