Help End Inequality

"Equality", or equal rights & equal respect, are the essences of God's Universal message in all good hearts and known as the Golden Rule, to treat others fairly. Many need to grow in this Golden Rule now, if we are to have a better world.

Inequality, we have grown up in, most men are indoctrinated from birth into a sense of superiority, compared to the female half but eventually, most refuse to believe it, as it has negative effects, as well as creating other kinds of inequality!

Males have tended to take advantages given by the world, even from some scriptures, written by the more physically aggressive males than in control, with a male-only perspective of God sometimes used to deify men's inequalities.

God's Original Loving Words can be rightly confirmed by good hearts and not just by men's translations, or their later day interpretations. To confirm requires God's Holy Spirit to be first in one's life daily, or we can be easily misled by idolatries, ego, and/or fears that override our thinking and keep us from hearing the fullness of truth.

Please share this message given about our need to come out of the sins of idolatry & selfishness. To worship a God of Love for All, &"Love One Another” “Even our enemies" as Jesus said, by asking The Holy Spirit to live in our heart, to lead us to the fullness of Truth.

"Equality" or Equal Rights, Respect, Equal Opportunity, and Concern for one another, are the promises of the Golden Rule found in good hearts and hopefully found in your heart too?  Yes____ No____

Patriarchal languages, describing God in mostly male terms, or pronouns, have helped to create the idolatry of a false male only image of God. A major cause of inequality and discrimination for the female half.

In the past 5000 years, beliefs of inequality have perpetuated wars by the more aggressive nature of males primarily in control. Wouldn't a more Inclusive language help us to understand our needs for ending war & gender equality better?  Yes___ No___

The Creator God is a Mother, as well as a Father!

Religious leaders being our moral examples, need to be the first to end discrimination and inequality within our religious institutions? *1  Yes___No___

Note *1 "No more discrimination in regards to race or sex… as not God’s Will"

                From Article 29, Pastoral Constitution, Vatican II, 1965.

The Holy Spirit's way to bring back many, for God is "not a god of partiality". *2

Note *2:  Acts 10:34; Deuteronomy10:18; Romans 10:11; Biblical Covenants.


To stop more inequality, share this by internet or mail. Send to your religious, political leader, and/or to the Pope.

May need an International stamp if sent to: His Holiness Pope Francis, Apostolic Palace, Vatican City, 00120

Example for a TWEET:

@Pontifex, Please Ordain Called, Qualified, Females to help end inequality, discrimination, as an example to our world,

for Justice, Peace,

#vohcc #genderequality

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by Betty Carol Dudney
2017-06-29 13:05
Message Tags: #genderequality, #vohcc

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