Delighted to hear from you, Peter.
I was very interested to learn more about 5G and in particular about the Wor(l)d Space Station. First thing I learned is that 5G means fifth generation of wireless connectivity. Apparently, the speed will be much greater than what we have now, but the towers to provide the service will need to be closer together. 5G is expected to be taking off by 2020 and will make a huge difference world wide, not least in Africa.
But what I couldn't figure out was how you could possibly connect at high speeds unless someone else was broadcasting nearby. Looking online, I find signs that you should double check everything before making this purchase. Here is an article saying the Wor(l)d 5G project is a pyramid scheme:
It makes so much sense that you should be on the lookout for ways to make a faster internet connection. If anyone has an idea, please jump in. And if I am totally off the beam in my pessimistic assessment of the 5G mcell, that would be wonderful. Please keep us informed.
Thank you much,