Re: The Simpol Solution

Good to hear from you, Emi. (Any chance you would want to join our Voices of Humanity Cooperation Circle:

The full details are available on the Simpol site: .

Briefly, the idea is to get politicians to sign a pledge to seriously consider voting for any simultaneous policy that all nations must agree to before it becomes law in the politician's home country. To motivate the politicians to sign, we get as many voters in all democratic countries to pledge that "within reason" they will vote for the politician who has signed up over any politician who has not signed up.

So it is relatively easy to get people and politicians to sign up and in the UK a fair amount of headway has been achieved, with some progress in other European countries. Here in the U.S. there does not seem to be an active organization yet, so that is a problem for sure.

Once a global movement in democratic countries is strongly underway, then in each democratic nation, the citizenry will be enlisted to come up with suggested policies. It is not simple. Suggested policies for any one area, such as global warming, will inevitably be more of a burden for some countries than for others. Therefore, in a third stage, the democratic nations along with the non-democratic nations represented by their governments will combine two or more policies such that the package is of benefit to all nations. Because such a package is of benefit to all, it is possible those packages will be implemented by all nations.

I am a newbie in this area, so please read more from the simpol site. It all seems far-fetched, but on the other hand if every nation benefits, then why not? Clearly we need to build a sense of human unity to underpin the process, which is where Voices of Humanity could do its part. Our VoH site will need to be much improved, but if we get something going, we may well be able to find the needed funding. And, of course the other big thing we have going for us is that humanity must learn to cooperate or we do the lemming over the cliff ride.

Much will have to be created and adapted as we go. One big question in my mind is just who will oversee the bottom up creation of policies at the national level. I suppose the national simpol organizations will do that, but how are they to be governed? So your questions most definitely have merit. I would like to see us use the ideas of Collective Impact, with VoH supplying the need for "continuous communication". See for more about collective impact.

Best to you!

#simpol, #gr8transition

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by Roger Eaton
2017-07-27 00:31
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