Hi Ana Maria Sanchez,
This is for the police personnel you mentioned at our CCI board meeting last evening. An interesting possibility would be to arrange a monthly collective VoH dialogue between one of the neighborhoods you mentioned, perhaps Bayview, and one of the wealthier neighborhoods, such as the Richmond. If the SF Police Department is interested, all things become possible!
The goal of such an inter-neighborhood conversation would be to increase the sense of social unity both within each neighborhood and between them. In the best of cases, we could expand to all 10 San Francisco police districts and build a strong citywide sense of cohesion.
We can start right away, but to really do neighborhoods right, we will need at least a year at the current rate just to get the software up to speed. With police department interest, we might be able to get assistance from local tech firms and have something rather good up and running in six months.
A question I have for the police is, do you want to have a separate collective voice for the police, or should we just bring the residents and the police for each district together in a collective voice for the district. Also it is important for your police contacts to know that we will be building six voices of humanity for each district, Voice of Women, of Men, of Youth, Experience and Wisdom as well as the Voice of Humanity-as-One.
I have posted this email on Voices of Humanity. All potential participants need to realize from the beginning that the project will be very transparent. Down the road we may want to provide some privacy for district teams so they can brainstorm without worrying that people will carp, but we start completely in the sunshine.
Best to you and I hope this goes somewhere!
--Roger Eaton
+1 415 933 0153
Voices of Humanity <-- In the conversation between the communities of Planet Earth, women and men will use their collective voices to persuade the nations to cooperate. A kindly and intelligent human unity with gender equality (and diversity) built-in is ours for the taking!!! Your participation could make the difference.
#SanFrancisco #voh