Re: My Journey to Totality

echoing George Wolfe's great sentiments if not the eclipse's total darkness (I'm presuming that the stars are not visible in a total eclipse?):

Now all the heavenly splendour
breaks forth in starlight tender
from myriad worlds unknown;
and we, this marvel seeing,
forget our selfish being
for joy of beauty not our own.

Though long our mortal blindness
has missed Love's loving kindness
and plunged us into strife;
yet when life's day is over,
shall death's fair night discover
the fields of everlasting life.

Great verses ("Love" substituted for "God")

#interfaith #vohcc

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by George Aubrey Whitcombe Armstrong
2017-09-12 04:50
In reply to this message.
Message Tags: #interfaith, #vohcc

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