Re: Nuclear disarmament

My thanks to Rev Leland Stewart, Voices of Humanity Cooperation Circle Contact, for reminding us about the new treaty banning nuclear weapons. 

I propose that our VoH CC focus on a nuclear disarmament campaign not just for its own sake, but also as a way of building our membership.

For its own sake, nuclear disarmament is key in a couple ways. With nuclear brinksmanship in play on the Korean penninsula, we can feel the horror in our bones. But also, nuclear weapons symbolize and uphold the us-vs-them ethos of distrust that governs the world, making it difficult, perhaps impossible to resolve the global climate and ecological issues that beset us.

As a way of building our membership, I suggest we aim to have at least one new member of VoH CC from every city in the Mayors for Peace global network. That's 7400+ new members, a measurable and achievable goal with social media appeal.

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#vohcc #nuclear_disarm

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by Roger Eaton
2017-10-01 23:35
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