Dear Members and Friends of the URI Voices of Humanity Cooperation Circle,
We begin the New Year 2018 (!!!) with a major push for nuclear disarmament, aiming to include new members from 1000 cities around the world. Cities don't have nuclear arms and they are the targets, so structuring our outreach around the cities makes sense.
First up is our "Smile for nuclear disarmament or Scowl at nuclear weapons" campaign. Please see and if you can take the time, read our new VoH nuclear disarmament portal at A few years back I collected the smile/scowl photos on the page linked above. As you will see the campaign is going to be a lot of fun and we should be able to pick up momentum quickly. Will you participate? That will get us started.
Go online to VoH. Join the nuclear_disarm community using the new Communities button in the upper left. We are far from complete in the installation of communities into the VoH interface, but the Communities button begins to be usable.
Then click "Add my voice" in the upper right and insert your smile or scowl photo. It will take a minute to figure it out. Notice you can resize the photo if need be. And add a short message to go with your photo. At the bottom of your message be sure to include the tags "#nuclear_disarm #vohcc". Finally, click the Save button.
Our project is to actually accomplish the goals of URI. Nuclear disarmament is one of the great hurdles to success, so let's take it on with gusto!
Thanks, all.
--Roger Eaton
+1 415 933 0153
In the conversation between the communities of Planet Earth, women and men will use their collective voices to persuade the nations to cooperate. A kindly and intelligent human unity with gender equality built-in is ours for the taking!!! Your participation could make the difference.
#nuclear_disarm #vohcc