Betty, It's interesting your story being in response to my posting. And yes, while I try to straddle what is a separation of the 'faith and science' in most of modern civilization, that Nobel proposal is fundamentally a deep spiritual source from within me trying to change the injustice in how what I call 'the Meme of Money' has coopted civilization for its own 'reproductive' purposes, trashing people and planet along the way. Our economic system teaches that only money counts, nothing else. How on Earth could we hope to survive with such a pernicious system in place.
Pope Francis is an appropriate participant nominee for the Peace Prize proposal since he reintroduces so strongly the ethical basis of society, which we have all but lost in 'the marketplace' (the domain of money).
So please, go to and do the nomination/endorsement, then share this initiative with your like minded friends and associates.