Re: Education to help overcome our current human condition

Deep breathing is easy and free! I love that and have adopted the practice, Shiv. Thank you for the tip.

For the sake of humanity and life on Planet Earth we need to get our act together, individually, nationally and globally. It can only help to promote deep breathing as something we can all share. I looked it up in google and indeed there are tons of learned articles agreeing that deep breathing is an excellent way of reducing stress in our daily lives.

Thank you again! I hope you will continue to post. Our latest push is for nuclear disarmament. If you might join our nuclear disarmament community that would help us towards our goal of members from 1000 cities around the world by the end of the year. See also


-- Roger

#goodeducation #goodhealth #vohcc

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by Roger Eaton
2018-02-10 18:16
In reply to this message.
Message Tags: #goodeducation, #goodhealth, #vohcc

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