Thanks for responding, very interesting response!
What I could understand and please correct me if necessary, as to what you consider yourself to be a Transexual or Bisexual? Also thought that might be part of the basis you were disagreeing with me about whether we could, should, might be going towards "Equality".
There is no doubt in my mind that we have been going at a rapid pace world wide towards the practice of equality rather than inequality for about 50 years now, faster than any other time in history. But like all living things it can get better or worse or change at any time and their are signs we are in a backlash, maybe because of the rapid change of consciousness we are experiencing!
More so than at any other known historical time. change is always a challenge, for change stirs up fears of all kinds and is a dirctthreat to security, the very foundation of seemingly surface survival. Actually we need change desperatly at this time as we are close to blowing ourselves up again, the whole planet or making it very difficult to survive even if possible as most of us only have passed on relatives who knew how to live without electricity, running water, plant grow or hunt for your own food. Make your own clothing, etc. Primative living that most people gave up 50-75 years ago.
It is my belief that since the Hebrew word the O.T. was written in their orignial word for day, equally meant a period of time, up to endless era's the world may in the process of evolution have evolved many times over many civilizations and because of fear, negativeness in relationships, selfishness and greed, all kinds and forms of inequality the destruction of the planet could have happened more than once. I believe we are part of or can be part of an indestructable Spirit or Soul that keeps trying to compensate for its lack of, by growing into its better positive side of a Holy Love, and respect for one another. That can eventually save us if we are willing to give up our negativeness and continue to work on our positiveness, at least until we can reach a happy balance. That is why the message God has given me to share of "Equality" is so important and why we need women as well as men to have the freedom of Equal Rights, Equal Opportunity, Equal Respect.
As for sexuality it is my belief that we are all bi, as biologically we all have both male and female components, equally the same only different or in different places, like the males third leg is actually the same in the female only inverted!
Our sexuality vares even within ourselves at differnt times in our lives, as we should, since we were created in the Image of the Great Creator in the sky, each with unique, no exact two of a kind diversity, even twins develope eventually with different experiences of envirement, thoughts and feelings or come to different conclusions at least on occasion.
Well I hope we can continue this discussion until you can give me a thumbs up instead of down. But I will put you in my prayers anyway. and never knock anything you haven't tried, known or seen for yourself if it have any value for your own life!
Peace Be With You,